Origami Branding


Origami provides a bookkeeping and accounting solution for small businesses in Canada. They take care of your receipts, sales records, government notices and tax return. Your books will be up to date, and your government remittances are filed.

Origami Concept
Origami Logo
Origami Logo Concept
Origami Branding


We revamped the Origami logo, drawing inspiration from the art of wet origami, a specialized technique in origami that allows for more intricate and smooth designs by dampening the paper. The origins of wet origami highlight the delicate precision and expertise required, much like the skills needed in accounting. The “a” in the new logo features a graceful curve to mimic the fluidity of wet origami creations, symbolizing Origami’s expertise and meticulous care as an accounting firm. The new brand has a bold and minimal approach which reference back to Origami’s easy and simple business model for small business owner.

Origami Animal
Origami Direct Mail in Canada
Origami Business Card
Origami Animal
Origami Direct Mail in Canada
Origami Folder
Origami Direct Mail in Canada
Origami Waiting for call
Origami Branding
Visual Identity, Web Development
Origami Accounting
Art Direction:
Lenny Ming Lo
Kazuko Sasahara, Lenny Ming Lo
Graphic Design:
Lenny Ming Lo, Kazuko Sasahara, Sae Shigeto