Restoration of Environments
& Design Overview
REDO, the premier forum for the RESTORATION OF ENVIRONMENTS & DESIGN OVERVIEW, offers an engaging and interactive learning experience tailored for reclamation professionals. This event provides valuable networking opportunities and features industry experts and peers from across Western Canada. Attendees can participate in a variety of presentations and breakout sessions that cover topics such as unique restoration case studies, the availability of plant material for restoration, and the incorporation of indigenous knowledge in reclamation. REDO is dedicated to exploring innovative solutions and sharing best practices in environmental restoration and design.

Enhancing Restoration Outcomes Together
The event has been a resounding success, with the shared knowledge significantly enhancing and improving outcomes in the field of environmental restoration. Attendees have gained invaluable insights from expert speakers and interactive breakout sessions, fostering a collaborative spirit and driving innovation in reclamation practices. The networking opportunities have also been instrumental in building strong professional connections, with everyone working toward the same goal as one, further contributing to the positive impact and future advancements in the industry.

Branching Out:
The Boundless
Potential of REDO
The logo of the REDO campaign draws its inspiration from the very foundation, akin to the roots that anchor and sustain growth. Much like the intricate network of branches stemming from a tree’s core, the event fosters a platform where shared knowledge from speakers intertwines with networking opportunities, propelling individuals to flourish in diverse industries and areas. Just as each branch extends to new possibilities, the potential for growth knows no bounds within this dynamic ecosystem, offering boundless avenues for development and innovation.